
The main metal construction event in Latin America, CONSTRUMETAL aims to promote the expansion of the sector in a transformative, strong and competitive way.

With innovative solutions in sustainability and economy, the ninth edition of the congress will promote modernization, security and efficiency for the market.

Stay on top of major discussions in the metallic construction segment, understand the main opportunities and challenges resulting from the growing market demands, engage with the entire production chain and connect with the most important brands and players in the sector.

Proceedings of the Ninth METALLIC CONSTRUCTION CONGRESS 2023

Trabalho completo




Be on top of the great discussions in the metallic construction segment.


Understand the key opportunities and challenges resulting from the growing market demands related to the topic.


Connection with important brands and players in the sector.


Engage with the steel construction sector's production chain to implement ESG practices.



Be part of the biggest

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São Paulo > Allianz Parque

The city was chosen as the seventh best gastronomic destination in the world, in 2022, in the ranking of TripAdvisor’s “Traveller’s Choice” award.

In addition to being a culinary reference, the city breathes art in every corner, with murals on buildings spread across the largest financial center in South America – as multinational as its diverse population of over 11 million inhabitants.

A global city could not fail to have an iconic work in metal construction: Allianz Parque. The location was chosen for the congress because it brilliantly presents the versatility of steel and its various possibilities in construction structures.

In addition, its façade forms a mosaic of innovative and artistic appearance within the universe of steel.


Completion Date

September 21, 2023


8 am – 9 pm


Allianz Parque, São Paulo – SP



Tickets for the biggest metal construction event in Latin America will be sold through the SYMPLA website.

Tickets for the biggest metal construction event in Latin America will be sold through the SYMPLA website.



Allianz Parque até GRU – 29,1KM
Allianz Parque até Congonhas – 15,2KM

Luggage storage on site

The event takes place from 8 am to 9 pm.

Get in touch with visitor@ or through our social networks. 

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Francal Feiras Empreendimentos LTDA – 50.230.978/0004-60

Armando Júnior

Assistant Secretary for Economic Development and Labor / São Paulo City Hall

Armando Junior is a multitasking professional, with knowledge in planning, project coordination, negotiation, team management, government relations and strategic communication. Graduated in journalism from Universidade Metodista, with a postgraduate degree in Marketing and Advertising Communication from Faculdade Cásper Líbero and a negotiation course from FGV, Armando worked in the public and private sectors.
Having worked in the State Government, he directly advised governors Geraldo Alckmin and Alberto Goldman, where he worked in the areas of economic development, science and technology, energy, professional qualification, investment attraction and entrepreneurship.
In February 2021 he took on the position of Assistant Secretary for Economic Development and Labor at São Paulo City Hall.

Tiago Rossi

New Business Manager / Racional Engenharia

He is a Civil Engineer, graduated from the University of São Paulo (USP), with specialization in Project Management. He began his career as a Cost Engineer, moving on to project management and, later, international contracts and projects.

 Patricia Raposo Machado Bittencourt

Project manager for the VP of Technology and Sustainability / Secovi-SP

Engineer with Specialization in Sustainability and ESG from FIA Business School and Specialization in Project Management, with certification. She has more than 25 years of experience and a career focused on developing and monitoring projects related to ESG themes. She was Quality Manager at Odebrecht, among other large engineering companies, and since 2015 she has been Manager of Sustainability and ESG Projects at Secovi-SP.
She was part of the coordination of ABNT’s CEE-256 Special Study Commission in the preparation of ABNT PR 2030 – ESG: Concepts, guidelines and assessment and guidance model for organizations.

Uallace Moreira Lima

Secretary for Industrial Development, Innovation, Commerce and Services MDIC / Desenvolvimento Industrial, inovação, Comércio e Serviços

Master and Doctor in Economic Development from the Institute of Economics of
State University of Campinas (IE/UNICAMP), was a consultant for Banco
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Visiting Researcher at the Korea Institute for
International Economic Policy (KIEP), and guest researcher at the Russian Institute for
Strategic Studies (RISS), and Consultant to the Economic Commission for Latin America
and the Caribbean (ECLAC). He was an Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Economics at the
Federal University of Bahia (FCE/UFBA). Has experience in the area of Economics
International, Industrial Economics and Innovation, with an emphasis on studies on industry,
innovation and technological catch-up, international insertion and economic development
from Brazil and South Korea.

Maurício Machado

Commercial Director Cables  / Alubar 

Graduated in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Itajubá, MBA in Project Management from FGV. Solid performance in the Energy transmission segment, especially in transmission auctions since 2011. Commercial Director of Alubar, the largest manufacturer of aluminum electrical cables in Latin America. Coordinator of the Cables Committee of the Brazilian Aluminum Association – ABAL.

Mara Mognon 

Commercial Manager / METASA S.A

Graduated in Administration from the University of Passo Fundo – UPF, with specializations in Quality Engineering from the Polytechnic School of USP and Business Management from UFRJ.

With a 25-year history at METASA, working in the field of industrial metallic structures, with passages in the areas of Quality, Planning and mainly Commercial of large Industrial Projects for the oil and gas, pulp and paper, mining, steel and infrastructure in Brazil and Latin American countries.

Gustavo Pereira

Commercial Director / Tabocas

Commercial Director at Tabocas
Director of Market Development at ABCEM
Extensive Experience in the Power Transmission Sector.

Zacarias Chamberlain

Teacher / Dept of Engineering and Structures at the University of Passo Fundo

Zacarias Chamberlain, Civil Engineer from UNAN (Nicaragua, 1982), Master in Structural Engineering from COPPE/UFRJ (1990), PhD in structures from COPPE/UFRJ (2003), participates in several ABNT standards committees, was secretary of Standard ABNT NBR 16994 steel and composite bridges, ABNT NBR 16970 Light Steel Frame Standard secretary, and currently ABN|T NBR 8800 revision secretary. guidance in 17 master’s and 6 doctoral dissertations, in the last 12 years, 58 articles published in national and international journals, 15 books and manuals published. Professional Member of AISC (1105382) and ASCE (500788). Provides consultancy in numerical and experimental analyses.

Rafael Zacarias

Technical director / KINGSPAN ISOESTE

Current Technical Director of Kingspan Isoeste, he is responsible for the Budget, Specification and Architecture and Construction Engineering sectors. He is also responsible for the business development of Benchmark’s premium products and the Commercial Trading channel.

With 20 years of experience in civil construction, he has worked in construction companies and has contributed to the modernization and industrialization of construction, being responsible for R&D and new business development areas. Graduated in Civil Engineering, he has a postgraduate degree in Construction Management from UFGO, an MBA in Project Management from FGV and a specialization in Innovation from INSEAD.

He has already worked on projects in various types of segments, currently directing the 3rd Largest Engineering-Special Services Company in Brazil, chosen by the Magazine o Empreiteiro 2022.

William José de Moraes

Head of Residential Projects / Modularis

Industrial Engineer, with specialization in Lean Six Sigma (Black Belt) and Post Graduated in Industrial Administration. He has more than 25 years of experience in steel transformation industries, working in the areas of Product and Process Engineering, Supply Chain, Production, Quality and Continuous Improvement. Currently at the company MODULARIS, where he has been present for over 7 years and is currently at the forefront of all the development of Solutions/Products aimed at vertical and horizontal constructions with a focus on the residential and hotel market.

Márcia Rodrigues da Silva 

Professional Training Instructor / Senai Construção Civil

Technician in Logistics
Civil Construction Technician
Technologist in Civil Construction – Metallic Structures
Technoloda in Civil Construction – Works Control

Fábio Luis de Gerone

Vice President of ABCEM / Director of Santo André

Business Administrator of the Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation (FAAP); Graduated in Business Administration with a specialization in Marketing, from Fundação Getúlio Vargas;
He has more than 27 years of experience and works as director of Santo André Distribuidora Industrial, director of market development for metal roofs at ABCEM, being in his second term, He was coordinator in the execution of the ABNT NBR 14.513 and NBR 14.514 tile standards,
He was coordinator of the standard for roofers ABNT NBR 16.366,
Vice President of Light Steel Frame – ABCEM.

Teco Medina

Journalist and Economist | CBN


Roberval José Pimenta

Director and Technical Consultant | ABCEM / Codeme Engenharia

Roberval José Pimenta is a mechanical engineer, graduated from the School of Engineering at the Federal University of Minas Gerais – UFMG, master and doctor in Structural Engineering from the Graduate Program in Structural Engineering at UFMG – PROPEEs. He is a founding partner of Codeme Engenharia S.A. and, since its founding in 1980, director and technical consultant, responsible for the calculation and design of hundreds of steel and composite steel and concrete structures in Brazil and abroad. He is the author of several books, technical manuals and articles in national and international conferences and magazines.

Luiz Eduardo Ganem Rubião

Partner | Deloitte

Luiz Rubião is the lead partner of Indústria 4.0 in Deloitte’s Capital Projects practice. He has more than 35 years of experience in planning and implementing engineering and software projects in Brazilian and foreign companies in the oil and gas, chemical and petrochemical, pulp and paper, metals and mining, energy and utilities and transportation markets. Graduated in Chemical Engineering (Instituto Militar de Engenharia), Master in Process Control (UFRJ) and MBA from Siemens AG & Duke University. He has extensive experience in managing contracts with high technological content. He was elected Oil and Gas Professional of the Year in 2009 (Society of Petroleum Engineers & Instituto Brasileiro de Petróleo) and one of the 100 most influential energy professionals in 2017.

Thiago Martins

Power Transmission Superintendent | Empresa de Pesquisa Energética

Electrical Engineer graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 2003. He obtained his master’s and doctor’s degrees in Power Systems from COPPE/UFRJ in 2005 and 2010, respectively. In 2013, he completed an MBA in Project Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). Later, in 2017, he completed the “Regulation of the Power Sector” course offered by the Florence School of Regulation. He has been with EPE’s Power Transmission Superintendence since 2006, serving as technical consultant from 2013 to 2019, deputy superintendent from 2019 to 2022, and superintendent from 2022. Between 2012 and 2020, he coordinated the planning studies of the transmission in the southern region of Brazil.

Rodrigo Varejão Andreão

Director General of the Innovation Hub | Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Espírito Santo

Rodrigo Varejão Andreão holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from UFES (1998), a Master’s in Electrical Engineering from Unicamp (2000), a PhD in Optimization et Sûreté des Systèmes (2004) from France. He is currently the Director of the Vitória do Ifes Innovation Center and a CNPq Productivity researcher in the area of ​​Digital Technologies. He is a member of the Scientific Administrative Council of the Espírito Santo Research Support Foundation. He has 16 years of experience as a teacher, working at all levels of training, from technical integrated with high school, to doctorate in the areas of electronics, telecommunications, signal processing and machine learning. He has experience as project coordinator in partnership with public and private institutions, and in the development of innovation projects with technology-based companies. Represented the Federal Network at the Chamber of Industry 4.0/MCTI.

Ricardo Nakamura

Vice President ABCEM | Diretor da Sae Towers

Civil Engineer from the Federal University of Minas Gerais

Postgraduate Degree in Economic Engineering from Fundação Dom Cabral

SAE Towers, Director of Strategy and Proposals.

27 years of experience in the Energy market.

ABCEM, Vice President of Torres

CIGRÉ BRASIL, Secretary for Group B2-11, Mechanical Behavior of Conductor Cables, Hardware and Accessories

Participation in Standards Review Committees

Several articles published in Congresses

Rodrigo Navarro

Executive President / Abramat

President of ABRAMAT – Brazilian Association of Construction Materials Industry). Advisor to the Presidency of the Republic (CDESS), CNI (COPIN), FIESP (CONSIC) and ABNT. 30 years of experience in multiple sectors as an executive, consultant and academic. With a PhD in Business Administration (Rennes School of Business), an MBA in Services from COPPEAD and an MBA in Management from Fundação Dom Cabral, he is a Production Engineer (UFRJ). Professor in several FGV MBAs since 2000, being the creator and coordinator of the award-winning MBA in Government Relations and the pioneering Anuário ORIGEM LATAM.

Enrico Mangoni


-Italian nationality.
-Civil Engineer with a background in structures, graduated in Civil Engineering, by the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Florence – UniFI in 1993, with many honors.
-In 1994, he was the winner of the Competition of the Ministry of Scientific Research on innovation, with a study entitled “Innovative Techniques and Calculation Methods for Composite Structures”
-Phd in Structural Engineering – Faculty of Engineering of the University of Bologna,1998.
-Professor for 15 years at the University of Florence, in the chair of “Structural Design and Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings”.
-Consultant for the internationalization and innovation of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Ferrara.
-Has 40 publications, many of which in international journals, on the subject of external prestressing in reinforced concrete structures, steel-concrete composite structures; fire resistance of structures, structural rehabilitation, innovation and retrofit. Lecturer and Invited Professor in Courses on the indicated themes in various places around the world.
-Owner of the Italian engineering company Studio Mangoni, and of the Brazilian subsidiary Studio Mangoni Brazil, executed many structural projects for buildings, bridges, Retrofit interventions.
-Developed and patented several constructive systems and innovative elements in the civil construction sector, some of which were registered with the Brazilian INPI.

Monica Anastassiu

Software Engineering Course Coordinato 
| Inteli – Instituto de Tecnologia e Liderança

Monica Anastassiu acts as Coordinator of the Software Engineering Graduation and Professor at INTELI. Doctor and Researcher at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), she began her career in the industry as a systems analyst graduated from PUC-RJ, later migrating to an executive career in the area of ​​information technology and acting as a consultant and lead auditor. After her master’s degree in informatics from UNIRIO, she joined the academy as a teacher, completing her doctorate in informatics from UNIRIO at the same time. He has experience with software engineering, software processes, quality, project management, IT management, software and business process improvement management and information security management. His areas of interest are: education, software engineering (especially socio-cultural aspects, quality and processes), agile methodologies, information systems, project management, information security management and IT management.

Alberto Leal

Assistant teacher | UFBA

Partner at Alberto Leal Engenharia Estrutural and AL, companies dedicated to the design, manufacture and assembly of steel and composite steel/concrete structures.
Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Architecture at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). Postgraduate Professor at IPOS, focused on Engineering of Metallic Structures.
Member of the ABNT NBR 8800 review committee. PhD in Structural Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE/UFRJ) | Master in Structural Engineering from the University of São Paulo (USP) | Civil Engineer from UFBA.

Vinicius Pinto

Regional Sales Manager | Yaskawa Motoman

Graduated in Mechanical Production Engineering from the Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia, with a postgraduate degree in Business Administration from the Fundação Getúlio Vargas, he has been working in the robotics area since 2011. He is currently responsible for serving the North and Northeast of Brazil, ABC Paulista and the interior of SP of Yaskawa Motoman Robotica do Brasil, in addition to assisting companies in the development of robotic solutions to make them more efficient and competitive.

Flávio Augusto Picchi

President / Lean Institute Brasil

President of the Lean Institute Brasil (LIB) and Professor at UNICAMP. Participates in the development of lean thinking since 1999, through LIB activities in various environments, including manufacturing, services, administration and construction. As a Quality and Productivity Management Consultant, he has developed, for more than 20 years, projects in companies of different sizes and sectors. He served for eight years as Senior Examiner for the National Quality Award. Engineer, Master and Doctor, from the Polytechnic School of USP. He held a Postdoctoral program at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), in collaboration with the Lean Enterprise Institute, and was Visiting Professor at Politecnico di Milano.

Luiz Cruz Schneider

Counselor | BRAMETAL

Graduated in Electrical Engineering, his luggage brings experience as Executive Vice President of CELESC, Superintendent Director of INTELBRAS, President of VANT, Director of AES SUL, President of AES COM SUL. He also served as a member of the Board of Directors of 21 companies, including: AES TIETÊ, AES SUL, ENGIE SOLAR, PROCABLE, JIRAU ENERGIA, ECHO ENERGIAS RENOVAVEIS, ATLANTIC ENERGIAS RENOVÁVEIS, RENOVA ENERGIA . Today he serves as a member of the Board of the following companies: BRAMETAL, CGT-ELETROSUL, ELETRONET, HRZ TRANSMISSORAS, REIVAX.

Mario Dias Miranda

Executive president | Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica – ABRATE 

Graduated in Electrical Engineering from UNIFEI Itajubá MG in July 1977. He has in his portfolio luggage as Executive President of ABRATE since September 2014, President Director of the ABRATE Energy Institute since June 2022, President of CBEE 2000/2001 Director of Energy Policy MME 1999/2000 Engineer from Eletrobrás Eletronorte August 1977 to December 2013 (last position Assistant to the Presidency).

Luiz Henrique Ceotto

Managing partner | Urbic Construtora

Graduated in Civil Engineering from the University of Brasilia, with passage in companies such as Encol SA, Constutora Inpar, Tishman Speyer Properties, and today managing partner of Urbic Construtora. He is a visiting professor on the professional master’s course at the Polytechnic Faculty of the University of São Paulo, has published several articles and two books, one on façade production and the other on cost modeling. He is a member of RICS – Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

Carlos Costa

Regional Division Director | Trimble Brasil

Graduated in Control and Automation Engineering and Building Construction Technology. With more than 25 years of experience in project engineering and detailing of metallic structures, strongly supported by CAE/CAD/CAM and BIM technologies. At Trimble for 11 years, driving technological advances and updates for the domestic market, taking companies and industry professionals to the next level in terms of productivity.